Uma Group
UMA Solar
UMA Packaging
Uma Polymers Chandrayaan
UMA Packaging

Promising Exceptional Packaging with Great Values!

Driven by diversity, innovation, and aesthetics since 1987, we are diligently committed to quality and innovation while constantly striving to improve and evolve for our customers. Uma is a leader in product integrity and identification and this is evident through how we deliver perfection and foster a sustainable source of materials acquired. We strive to set a benchmark and proficiently influence the world of flexible packaging. One can trust us to deliver unparalleled customer service every step of the way.


Our vision is to be the gold standard in flexible laminates. With top-quality products and exceptional customer services, we aim to revolutionize the packaging industry for our customers, employees, and the world.


We're dedicated to being your ultimate packaging partner. With us, one experiences unparalleled services, innovative products, and execution that is ahead of its time.


We always strive to build strong relationships based on trust, quality, transparency, and excellence. With unwavering values, Uma redefines what it means to be a trusted partner.

Packaged Food

Personal & Home Care

Beverage Packaging

Industrial Applications

Pharma & Medical

Other Specialities

Brands: You Love & We Serve

User Testimonial

Uma Group is one of the largest customers. It was indeed a pleasure to meet Shripal Ji, his depth of knowledge of the business, clarity of thinking and general worldview are remarkable. I have learned a lot and look forward to meeting his team and him regularly.


Pranay Kothari

UMAX plant is very clean and the team is highly professional in their approach toward any trial or regular production. My compliments to UMAX management for keeping the team highly motivated and focused.


Vaibhav Tandon

Having a dedication to work means that you want to produce high-quality results for your company. Team members at Uma are very hardworking and have an excellent setup with a clean and hygiene unit!!

KRBL Limited
KRBL Limited

Ashish Mittal

It has always been a pleasure working with the team Uma. They are always developing new product ideas with cutting-edge technology. Their dedication to innovation is greatly appreciated!


Vikram Singh Saini

Excellent plant, excellent teamwork, and excellent infrastructure! Using cutting-edge technology, the Uma group is producing high-quality goods.


Atab Narayan Singh

India's most beautiful converter plant! It is an excellent business that demonstrates true leadership.


Sandy Brunskill

Impressive setup, among the best in the country. Very proud to see the team scale such heights.

Phoenix Global
Phoenix Global

Chintan Singhvi

Really impressed by the company, their approach and willingness to succeed.

Bobst Bielefeld GmbH
Bobst Bielefeld GmbH

Danilo Vaskovic

Outstanding performance in and out of the plant. Very impressed with the efforts and hard work. True to heart and nature! Inspiring, by all means!

Totani Europe GmbH
Totani Europe GmbH

Toshiyo Yamaguchi

Great team with excellent working culture and customer relationships. Best wishes to Uma for future endeavors.

Sakata Inx (India) Pvt. Ltd
Sakata Inx (India) Pvt. Ltd

R.S. Panesar